- 972-8-657-6500+
- FAX - 073-3996914
- manag@s-ifrach.com
- Sunday - Thursday: 8:00 - 17:30
Experts in importation of food, beverages and alcohol.
Most rapid and efficient customs release – guaranteed!
Reduction of storage and delay times = proven financial saving
Get a rapid price quote now:
How can we help you?
- Preliminary consultation meeting – early consultation, especially in the field of food, beverages and alcohol, can save you a great deal of headaches in all activities related to importation, from the moment of the initiative to the entry of the product into inventory. The immediate significance is a direct saving in costs! We will be happy to meet with you to provide consultation, direction and solutions (consultation involves a fee).
- Pre-importation accompaniment – importing food from abroad requires, even prior to ordering the goods, the performance of several preliminary actions such as: registration as a food importer in the National Food Service, securing an ordinary/sensitive food importation license, recommending goods labeling as required by law and more… we offer these services, with the accompaniment of a certified food engineer who is one of the most senior in the field.
- International shipping – in our international shipping department, you will receive a comprehensive service package for your cargo, from the factory door to the door of the client. We, in "Sefi Yifrach", work versus many agents in the world, with an emphasis on agents specializing in food shipping who are well versed in country of origin regulations, frozen and refrigerated foods, alcohol and the like, and are aware of the required sensitivity. אנו, ב"ספי יפרח", עובדים מול סוכנים רבים בעולם בדגש על סוכנים שמתמקצעים בשינוע מזון ובקיאים ברגולציות במדינת היצוא, טובין מצוננים וקפואים, אלכוהול וכדומה, ומודעים לרגישות הנדרשת.
- Transition stations – the primary roadblock in the customs release process. Overcoming it requires swiftness, prioritization and optimal customer service. Via direct communications between us and the factory and organized direction to the requisite documents – all the required actions will be performed smoothly and calmly in a way that will leave you serene and worry free.
Food release from customs – we have years of experience under our belt in releasing all types of goods with an emphasis on the field of food (regular and sensitive), standards obligated goods, alcohol, plant protection/ animal feed / agriculture goods, veterinary goods and more… this process can be long, cumbersome and expensive or simple, rapid and less expensive – depending on whether you know and are familiar with the process. "Golan and Uri Express", the subsidiary of "Sefi Yifrach", handles all of the food importer services, starting from assistance in the allocation of food certificates, renewal of importer license, release of goods from customs including sampling and conduct versus labs….