Personal import

Do you have a package to pick up? A cargo on the way? Do you have an idea which has just started rolling? RELOCATION ? Talk to us ahead of time and save yourself time and unnecessary worries!

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The law defines personal import as: the importation of goods by an individual who is not self-employed, provided that the goods are not intended for supplies, manufacture or services. The goods must be in an amount which is reasonable for personal use, or the use by the family of the importer.

What is a reasonable amount?

Shipment of 1000 dollars – 30 units of the same type (*)

Shipment of over 1000 dollars – 5 units of the same type (*)

Personal import ordinance 2019 enabled a unique track for personal importation in order to build or renovate a house, exceeding the “reasonable amount” limit. This is, of course, subject to providing tangible evidence such as a building permit or a document indicating that the products are intended for renovation or construction.

It is important to know that some of the product permitted for personal import require the authorization of an authorized authority, some even prior to the launching of the shipment. For example, vehicles or vehicle replacement parts require the authorization of the Ministry of transportation, drones require the authorization of the Ministry of Transportation as well as the Civil Airfield Authority, and more…

Goods can be imported by air (a faster but more expensive option) or by sea (a slower but obviously less expensive option).

The importer is obligated to pay taxes – some or all of them in accordance to the type of goods and the amount imported, as well as the value of the goods.

(*) see personal import ordinance

So… what now?

Do you have a package to pick up? A cargo on the way? Do you have an idea which has just started rolling? RELOCATION ?

Talk to us ahead of time and save yourself time and unnecessary worries!